Born to the Pacific Northwest as a fourth generation native, my work reflects my early interest in the beauty found within its landscape and the family interest in travel and art. Those impressionable experiences led me to a degree in Anthropology and another in Graphic Design. After working with various design firms, I moved into teaching graphic and web design, drawing and animation. Later I would pick up my early interest in photography. Now, I am blending all of my experiences into creating art with one media or another. Ancestry Artistry, an offshoot in digital art of one’s ancestors is now included with my pieces.
My experience follows:
Fine Art/Illustration
• Traditional Media: drawing, watercolor, pastels and acrylic painting
• Collaborated artworks with Japan’s Kansai Gadai University, Skagit Valley College and Spokane Falls Community College
• Traditional printmaking combined with Digital Prints
• Digital media, 3D animation
Most Recent Gallery Shows
• Northwest Watercolor Society, Signature Member Exhibition, Juried Show, Seattle Center, Seattle, WA, 2025, watercolor
• Federal Way Arts Center, Arts Explosion, Juried Shows, Federal Way, WA, 2023, 2024, watercolor
• Northwest Watercolor Society, (NWWS) Waterworks Exhibition, Juried Show, Seattle, WA, 2024, watercolor
• Northwest Watercolor Society, 83rd International Open Exhibition, Juried Show, Camano Island, WA, watercolor
• Aljoya Mercer Island NWWS, Juried Shows, Mercer Island, Issaquah and Seattle, WA, 2023, 2024, watercolors
• Northwest Watercolor Society, (NWWS) Waterworks Exhibition, Juried Show, Seattle, WA, 2023, watercolor
• Hui Noeau Gallery, Art Affair, auction invitation, Maui, Hawaii, 2023, watercolor
• Tieton Arts and Humanities, 10x10x10x Tieton Exhibition, Juried show, Yakima, WA, 2022, watercolor
• Entree Gallery, Summer Gallery Exhibit, Priest Lake, Idaho, 2022, watercolors
• Las Lagunas Gallery, The Second Half, Juried Show, Laguna Beach, California, 2021, watercolor
• Entree Gallery, Summer Gallery Exhibit, Priest Lake, Idaho, 2021, watercolors
• Entree Gallery, Summer Gallery Exhibit, Priest Lake, Idaho, 2019, watercolors
• Hui Noeau Gallery, Art Affair, auction invitation, Maui, Hawaii, 2018, digital media art and photography
• Verum Ultimum Gallery, Chasing Ghosts Exhibition, Portland, OR, 2017, digital media art
• East Hawaii Cultural Center, Hawaii Photography Exhibition 2017: Isolation, Hilo, HI, photograph
• Hui Noeau Gallery, Juried Benefit Auction, 2017, digital media art
• Maui Arts and Cultural Center, Hawaii, Hawaii National Parks 2016 juried Centennial Exhibition, 2016, digital media art representing the Hawaiian National Parks
• SAIH Juried Show, 2015, drawing and digital media art, Hilo, Hawaii
• Hui Noeau Gallery, Juried Show, 2015, digital media art to represent Hawaii, Maui, Hawaii
Graphic Design
• Graphic Designer for the following firms:
• Spokane Falls Community College
• Graphic Communication (now Tsunami Marketing), Kaua’i, Hawaii, clients: Toshiba, The Hyatt Regency, Kauai Electric, Harvard University.
• Betsy Ward Graphics, principal
• Northwest Video Systems
• WhiteRunkle Associates, clients: AT&T, Key Tronic Corporation, Cellular One, Medical Service Corporation, The Spokane Symphony
• Community Colleges of Spokane, University of Hawaii–Maui, Whitworth University, Pierce College, Sumner School District and Federal Way Community Center