Ancestry Artistry Products
Betsy Ward Design/Ancestry Artistry pricing is listed according to size specifications and whether or not you would like a hand drawn image included in the final piece. Once you decide on the size and whether to have a drawing included, you will go to the SHOP PAGE to complete your order. Please choose a size remembering that there are commercial frames that match these sizes without mats. You might prefer to have it custom framed at a frame shop. Framing is not included in these prices. Betsy Ward Design/Ancestry Artistry only creates the artwork. You may also purchase the file and have it printed on your own.
Please ask for a quote for custom sizes. Allow 5 to 6 weeks to receive the final product. There will be no refunds.

Size: 8 x 10 inches
• On archival paper, without drawing: $250
• On archival paper, with drawing: $300
• File only: $150 (no drawing)
• Extra prints from original file: $30 each
Size: 11 x 14 inches
• On archival paper, without drawing: $300
• On archival paper, with drawing: $350
• File only: $150 (no drawing)
• Extra prints from original file: $45 each
Size: 16 x 20 inches
• On archival paper, without drawing: $350
• On archival paper, with drawing: $400
• File only: $150 (no drawing)
• Extra prints from original file: $50 each